Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Rat Dissection UB2

First dissection of the year 2009. This year we are using the preserved rats which were ordered from a company in Malacca. I do not find the rats to be suitable for dissection of the abdomen as the preservation causes the rats' intestines to be rigid. Finding Harry Porter Vein is easy but the display is not good.

We managed to find the arteries, ant. mesenteric and coelic arteries but again the arteries cannot be displayed well. Some rats are totally undissected as some the organs are decaying. Female rats have babies in them thus causing the intestinal organs to be squashed or pushed against the wall.

Hopefully the thoracic dissection can be better. We are going to start at 2 pm and let see what time it finishes. We actually ended our session almost at 4 pm. Thoracic veins and arteries are easier to do and I think I am satisfied with the preserved rat for this part of dissection.


  1. wow, so fast.. high efficiency~ xP

  2. Any one has any pictures? pls link

  3. sir i had my photos all posted on my facebook

    here s the link


    but i aint sure whether u can view it since i limit it to people in my network to view it only.

  4. I will try to see whether it can or not. Or better still sign me in lo.
