Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ExaMachs in Euphoria or Despair

2010 SPM result out today. Scores of ExaMachs can be seen in school around 10 am. Buzzing and cheeping all the way from the canteen to the staff room signalling the return of the ex-Jitsin ExaMachs of cohort 2006 and some which I had taught them in form 3 in 2006 (like Zi Yang - who had successfully conquered the sciences). For the result's detail (this blog does not highlight the results as I am not interested in them), see other blogs like
Whew! You are hot --- so many As! Even the teachers are smiling

Count and tally ho! Correctly huh! Mr Tor is worrying about the next batch of Form 6 - going to be of quality or not?
See - all As where got F where? where? We had checked ~ the principal

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