Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The 2nd Al-rattus Killars

 Before and after the session.. Any difference???? More evil, right.
The UB2 turns to be "rattus killers" and successfully completed their sins at 5 pm.

Sirrrr this one is Harry Porter vein or not???? Sirr my rat is male or female (OMG) and OH! OH!.. Bloooooooodddddd

I like the smell of dead rat......and wah! so difficult to see the three brothers arteries..  when can we chop of the head????


  1. 5pm, they stay back after school? By the way, sir, how did you find my blog? I just saw your comments. ==

  2. No way they r scared of therats' revenge, Danny JA, n internet is wonderful place 4 re-search 4 anything

  3. Well, curious, what brought you there? They are just posts written by a boring boy.

  4. The boy may be "boring" but the posts are interesting.. keep blogging
