Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sports Heat

Where is my baton? Hai ya no need to run already, we are left with 2 teams
Well, it really hot lo.. so that is why it is always known as the Sports Heats. Thank goodness it ended today after 3 days of getting free vitamin E. Good to see the Upper Sixes still have the heart to run (or walk faster, which ever you look at it)


  1. lol....sir,u like tis say very hurt d leh!!!
    left 2 team but we stil cont the 400m ald vry good liao!!!!

  2. Okay la sorry lo... You really run, I know and that is good

  3. Vitamin D mr koay. + exercise is good :)

  4. Sir,I run SOoooooooooo FAstttttttt leeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~
